Wednesday, 14 May 2014

She uttered, “Why do people have to die?” (Part-I)

Dusk had fallen in and she was standing there all alone beside a dimly lit flickering candle watching her own shadow…hearing her own silence… A silence which was actually a storm of emotions in the inner self or rather a strong gush of wind which was destroying every single bit of peace left in her and she stood there motionless… Millions of questions were running in her mind but she could find answers for none. She could not understand what was troubling her. There was dilemma in understanding the way things were taking place. Suddenly a drop left her eye, rolled down her left cheek and reached her lips and in complete uneasiness she uttered, “Why do people have to die?”

It was for the very first time for that little 13 year old girl to come across such a grave and heavy question. A question which demanded an immediate answer to satisfy her wandering thoughts and bring her back to the mortal world but at that instant she had literally no one to be her guiding light. There was no ‘someone’ who could tell her that law of nature cannot be altered and we humans have to abide by the harsh reality of death. No one was there to instill in her the truth that “For what is born, death is certain and for what is dead, birth is certain, therefore we should not grieve over that which is unavoidable.”

Well, originally she was a happy-go-lucky kind of a girl, an all-time-favorite among her family, peers, teachers and all others who knew her but what gave a halt to this jolly teenager was the death of her grandmother. She was taken aback, shocked and shattered both at the same time because she could feel that emptiness. She felt as if now there will be no one whom she could fall back on. When she came back from school and found her grandmother lying on the floor of the central hall covered from head to toe with a red shroud amidst all the relatives who were mourning for the big loss, she didn’t take even a second to realize that she wasn’t going to get her grandmother back and it was the last time that she was observing the peaceful pallor which spread on her face like never before. She knew that she was not going to get that love back and what haunted her the most was the fact that she couldn’t properly even bid ‘goodbye’ to the soul whom she considered the ‘dearest’ on planet ‘Earth’. She always had the conception that people go to the hospital for treatment and come back home completely healthy but this was something entirely different as for the first time she realized that people go and never return. They just go forever without giving any notice, without bidding any goodbyes… they simply leave placing others in a state of guilt and remorse. Guilt one could never get rid of and had to bear the whole life.

To Be Continued....

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